October 24, 2019
/ News

Community Care Partnership of Maine (CCPM), an Accountable Care Organization comprised of 15 health care organizations including Greater Portland Health, recently announced the achievement of shared savings for performance year 2018 under the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP). This is CCPM’s third consecutive year of success in achieving shared savings in the program. For the 2018 performance year, CCPM generated $17,459,697 in total savings for Medicare, resulting in $7,426,177 in shared savings returning to CCPM and its member organizations. Accordingly, Greater Portland Health, will receive a portion of CCPM’s savings, which will be used to invest in infrastructure aimed to achieve continued improvements in the delivery of high-quality patient care.

To learn more, you can visit CCPM’s website (ccpmaine.org) or read the press release linked here: https://www.ccpmaine.org/2019/10/21/ccpm-helps-control-cost-of-healthcare-earns-millions-in-medicare-shared-savings-program/